(Play PlanetSide 2 for Free: http://brinx.it/GB1)
::Video Sections::
Lasher Stats - 0:54
Weapon Quirks - 3:35
Damage against MAXes - 6:25
Shots to Kill Chart - 8:55
Attachment Suggestions - 9:28
Solo Strategy - 12:12
Squad Strategy - 17:29
::Related Links::
Resist Table - http://brinx.it/GOB
Advance and Suppress - http://youtu.be/pzHmAhw7tZc
::Attached Videos::
What is: Suppressive Fire? - http://youtu.be/SioujdZFhps
Flare versus Ursa Review/Comparison - http://youtu.be/Ua7Ed0x4020
Heavy Assault Shields Review - http://youtu.be/qrXmea9mwcA
Fenrir Loadout - Coming Soon!
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